Getting weighed at the medical check-in on Friday morning. 140 pounds of fury!!
Minutes before race start. I'm smiling at this point because I don't know any better. Apparently I didn't realize how much the next day of my life was going to hurt!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
My first attempt at eating solid food: Fish Hatchery, mile 23.5
Coming into the pipeline crew access point (27.5 miles)
At pipeling crew access point.
Dropping down the steep descent into Twin Lakes (40 miles). It claimed many victims...I was one of the lucky ones who made it down safe, although I had already bit it about 10 minutes earlier!
Halfway there! Only 50 miles to go..., wait, don't remind me.
Me and my pacer Gene ariving into the pipeline crew access point for the 2nd time at approximately mile 72.5. It's blurry because we're running so fast.
Fast forward 6 painful hours: That's me coming to the red carpet at the finish line!! 23 hours and 100 miles after starting!
Proud mom and exhausted son.
With mom and pa seconds later. My dad was a real trooper; he paced me the last 27.5 miles and 16 of them were on a badly sprained ankle!
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